Monday, September 8, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Royal Couple EXPECTING 2ND Child a year after George

     The Whole of Great Britain and the rest of the World is in celebration after a VERY SPECIAL announcement at 5 am EST, that the Palace of HRH Queen Elizabeth II confirmed that the Duchess of Cambridge was pregnant  again and is receiving treatment for acute morning sickness in Kensington Palace. The Duchess Catherine is not even close to 12 weeks pregnant. Prince William had an engagement at Oxford when he said he is"Thrilled" about becoming a father again. His brother Harry is also thrilled about becoming Uncle Harry again he also made a funny remark about his brother having more trouble on his hands.

Congrats To The Duke,  Duchess And HRH Prince George!

May God save the Queen!

I will be following Kate's new bump until a little prince or princess is born!!!!

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